Saturday 6 April 2013

Analysis of Short Film: Love Sick

Name of short film: Love Sick 
Writer, Director and Editor: Kevin Lacy 
Genre: Comedy 
Running Time: 4:32 min 

Short Film Analysis 
Plot of the film 
A man has just got dumped by his girlfriend; he is devastated, however not for long. As he is walking back with a broken heart he suddenly falls in love with a lady walking into a train. He begins another mission to find her as he just misses the train. This is an unsuccessful attempt as the audience all expected. As he is sitting down in the dumps he ridiculously falls in love with another lady jogging past him in the park. 

Character portrayal 
The main character is portrayed to be full of unrealistic aims in life and alongside a hint of bad luck. Because he is shown wearing ordinary clothing, the audience expect him to be an average middle age man. However his comical thoughts surprise the viewers. The facial expressions and body language are synchronized with the sound of narration and the music. The ladies shown in this short film are extremely feminine and follow the stereotype of women that any man will fall in love with. The young teenager used in the short film is referred to as Justin Bieber for comical value and pop-culture reference to appeal to the films target audience.

Film techniques 
The music used in ‘Love Sick’ enhances the setting and themes of the film. The music used makes you believe that everything may go well, however his dreams are shattered as we first expected. The fast paced music increases to give the film an inspirational undertone. The film has been edited together by using a range of shots which makes the short film more comical and more interactive with the audience. By using shots, such as close ups, make the audience aware of the characters feelings.

I was impressed by the use of narration and audience interaction. This film exaggerates realistic emotions so the audience can relate to the main character but in a very comical way. The use of a narrator throughout the film helps keeps the audience’s attention though interaction. This creates a strong link between the narrator and the audience. 

 The short film takes you on journey of mans thoughts. The moral of this short film is that to always try hardest in any goal in life regardless if you achieve it, it’s better to attempt something rather than just accept defeat. 

In mine and Callums short film Happily Ever After I intend to use similar narrative techniques; such as exaggerating a realistic situation so that an audience can relate to the story but still find the film comical.

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